Our Church, Our Legacy Campaign

5 Sponsors
8,000,000 of 17,000,000 USD

CLICK HERE to download the “Our Church, Our Legacy” Campaign brochure.
SCROLL DOWN to donate now.

In the spring of 2016, the Diocese conducted a survey of priests and lay leaders from local parishes to identify ways to strengthen the vital partnership between the Diocese and its local parishes. From the study, it was clear the Diocese needs to bolster programs that directly support the parishes, and provide for the security of the Diocese into the next generation.

To fulfill this need, the Diocese is embarking on the ambitious Our Church, Our Legacy campaign to create an endowment of $15 million. The Diocese will not have direct access to the principal of the endowment, but rather will receive an annual distribution to support specific programs in the following areas:

Education of the Faithful

to expand the horizons of our community by supporting the education of clergy and staff and developing best practice courses and technology for local parishes to use


to broaden access and participation, help connect parishes in a digital community and expand digital programming

Ministries & Outreach

to secure a spiritual presence in our society by conducting workshops, developing mission parishes, supporting pastoral care of vulnerable segments of society, train outreach participants and strengthen inter-church relations

Securing the Future

to inspire the upcoming generation by funding Diocesan camp scholarships, youg adult leadership conferences, academic scholarships, clergy sabbatical funds, parish youth ministry programs and youth pilgrimages to Armenia

Clergy Support Fund

to show an appreciation for a life of service and relieve some of the burden of local parishes by providing guidance on retirement planning, helping to provide a comfortable living after servicing

Diocesan Operations & Maintenance Fund

to preserve our presence by providing a safety net for unforeseen events providing a well-maintained Diocesan Complex to support local parishes

Cultural Experience Fund

to fund innovative programs in music, art and lectures

The Diocese needs your help. We have already secured major donations toward our goal of $15 million, but we are hoping to inspire a broad participation to help us make the transition into this new paradigm.

So please consider making a generous contribution to the endowment campaign. We deeply appreciate your stewardship of our church. Our parishes–and our children and grandchildren–will be the ultimate beneficiaries of your foresight and commitment.

To learn more, CLICK HERE to download the “Our Church, Our Legacy” Campaign brochure.
SCROLL DOWN to donate now.

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